My life, for the most part, has been amazing lately. I'll get the complaining out of the way first. Money is still extremely tight. I allow myself a couple comics a week, but that's about it. Oh, and I also bought the 3rd Volume of It's Always Sunny because Sheryl informed me that it was on sale at Target. I couldn't pass it up for $15. I also think my back is not as healed as it should be. Either that, or my right leg is somehow fucked up. I can't keep it in one position too long. When I recline, that's when it hurts the most. That's what makes me think it's my back. I'll be going to the doctor's after rent is paid, and I have a day off.
And now, on to the good stuff. First and foremost, it's Desiree. She makes me incredibly happy and puts up with all of my peccadilloes. I don't think it's just that whole "It's new" thing going on, either. I am really, truly happy with her. Whether it be going out and running errands, snuggling up and watching a movie, taking a mid-day nap, or even playing Xbox while she does her old lady puzzle magazines, I just always enjoy spending time with her. We went home this weekend, and she got along with all of my friends, and my parents love her.
The trip home was good, but also sad at the same time. I still really, really miss Chesapeake, and sometimes I feel like Raleigh is only temporary, and that I'll eventually move back. No time soon, though. I'm having too good a time. Maybe that desire to go back home will fade, but I can't help but feel better when I'm there.
Mandy and Shaina are probably on their way to Apex at the moment. I'm so happy that my two best friends are going to be 20 minutes away, rather than 3 hours. It sucks, though, that they're moving right as work (for all of us) is getting insane, which means it'll be hard to juggle everything and find time when we're all off to spend time. But, even so, it'll be 10 times easier now that they're here. We've all ready talked it over, and we're making sure we all get a specific night off to have a Justice League Night (which I'm sure will just turn into Nerd Night).
Speaking of Justice League, while back home, Des and I went to Trilogy, and they were having a 50% off back issue sale, so I dug through the boxes and picked up every issue of the Justice League "Breakdowns" arc.

I read a write-up of this arc months ago in Wizard Magazine and have always wanted to read it. I was amped to find each issue for no more than $2.00 a piece, so they were mostly $1.00 each after the sale. And since there wasn't a single book that came out this week that I bought, I felt that it was ok to buy the entire arc. I'm about 1/3 of the way through, and I fucking love. I love comics from the early 90s. It reminds me of growing up. Only because I didn't read ANY DC books, it's like a trip down memory lane, only it's stll 100% new to me. Also, while reading, it's made me pine for a Bruce Timm style animated show. It feels like I'm reading a lost Justice League Unlimited season. Like with JLU, the first time I watched it, I barely knew any of the characters. They were all familiar, but I didn't know any of them specifically. And, with Guy Gardner really being the only exception, that's what this is. And it's great, because I'm all ready loving the characters like Blue Beetle, Fire, Ice, Silver Fox, and Captain Atom. I know it'll never happen, but it would be so awesome to have a show focusing on these "B Level" super heroes.
And for now, that's all, kiddos.