I have a feeling this is going to be more of an introspective entry, as there really hasn't been much going on to talk about. So if you don't feel like listening to my thoughts on things, well...this entry isn't for you. Check back soon for a funny video or a cool picture.
So, this Raleigh life is good. Very, very good. Not perfect, by any means, but still really good. I've been waking up early, going to bed early, eating (for the most part) healthy, and not spending too much money on unneeded things. Friday is the day I pay all my bills, so that's going to be a sad day. They won't normally all be paid on the same day, but this being the first month being here, and me being a paycheck short this month, all of the bills had to wait until now.
It's weird to think that I'll be leaving Raleigh and going to Durham in 5 months. But I think it's good. I'll be used to spending more on bills and gas, so when I get there, it'll be easier on the pocket, both literally and in my mind. Hopefully this will open up a little more money to save, because I really need to start saving money more.
Speaking of money, I went to Ed McKay's yesterday, and I was very good. I bought the final 2 Gunsmith Cats omnibus volumes, and I got Schindler's List on DVD. Total it cost me $16. They had the 1st two boxsets for Gatchaman for a combined total of $31. I'm praying they'll be there in two weeks, but we'll just have to wait and see. I also almost bought a $10 hardcover of Ultimate Hulk Vs. Ironman, but I put that back as well, to save money.
There really aren't many dating prospects at all in Raleigh. At least, not right now. I've been talking to this girl on AIM who lives around here, but we haven't hung out or anything. Who knows if we actually will. She seems cool, but for the first time in a long time I'm very content with being single. That doesn't mean I don't think about it, of course. There'll never be a time when I don't think about it. I've got this little daydream that it's me and someone in a small apartment. It's late, but not too late, and I'm sitting on the edge of the couch playing video games, and a girl is laying on the other side with her nose in a book and her feet are resting in my lap. Occasionally she looks up and watches me play, but eventually goes back to her book. Between cut-scenes or levels, or whenever I can put the controller down, I gently squeeze her foot, or lean in and give her a kiss. After a bit, I've put my video game away, she's put her book away, and we watch an old black and white film together.
I was talking to Beth and Josh yesterday about little moments like that, and how they're the good stuff in relationships. They're not the only good stuff, mind you, but those kinds of nights are really ideal. Of course there are tons of other things. The sex, the visits to each other when we're at work, the trips to home, all that stuff. But recently, that isn't what I've been thinking about too much. Mainly it's just a quiet night at home that I've been daydreaming about. And again, for the first time in a while, it's only dreaming, and not looking. I'm fine with looking forward to an unknown future. I'm glad there are things I'd like to happen, but there's no one specifically tied to them. It feels good letting it happen on it's own.
Apaloosa comes out tomorrow. Sadly, because I'm closing Thursday through Sunday, I won't get to see it until Monday or Tuesday. Beth and Josh and I are going, and I seriously can't wait. I had barely any clue about the movie until I saw the trailer before Tropic Thunder, and since then, it's been my most anticipated film since Iron Man and Batman. I doubt it'll top either of those, but I'm sure it'll be #3 this year. It just looks too damn awesome. Add in that it's Ed Harris and Viggo...well, do we really need any other reason to be stoked on a film? I don't think so.
I need to figure out when to go back home for a weekend. I'll probably put in time off for that when I go in today. I kind of miss Chesapeake. Yesterday while driving around, we were talking about sushi, and I remembered the amazing place on Battlefield Blvd. and then thought, "Man, I used to drive on that road every single day for 19 years, and now it's so far away." and it made me a little sad. As much as I love the freshness of Raleigh, I do miss the normalcy of Chesapeake from time to time. Not often, though.
I need new clothes. That's a random thought, but it just came to my head. Losing the weight I did made all my t-shirts too big. I'm still a big guy, and nothing looks worse than a big guy in a bigger shirt. Ugh. Anyway, I might be, maybe once a week, ordering a new t-shirt or something. It sucks because I just bought my Green Lantern and my Flash about 6 months ago, and they're too big.

They have this shirt in the window at my comic store downtown, and I want it. I'm not sure what size they have, though. But if it fits, maybe I'll splurge and get it for myself next week. I just checked a website, and there is a Green Lantern Corps shirt that has Guy, Kyle, and Kilowag on it. I actually used the same picture on my Myspace page for a long time. Fuck, I want it.
So that's all for this update, I guess. I'm going to go grab a bite to eat before I go to work.
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