Wednesday, November 5, 2008

I woke up in a shitty mood today

I woke up late this morning, and I was in a pissy mood. For some reason, I still am.

I'm glad Obama won last night. I voted for him. But what disgusts me is everyone who didn't vote for him. I understand you're bummed he didn't win. I get that. But Jesus Fucking Christ, people. Shut the fuck up about your bitching. I know for a fact that I wouldn't be sitting here, pissing and moaning if McCain won. Yeah, I'd be bummed, but I'd also be looking at it with the prospective that maybe some good will come out of it. People need to stop seeing things in black and white (or, in this instance, blue and red) and try to find good points in Obama, just like I would be finding good points in McCain. It's astounding to me that people assume he's sitting at home right now, laughing like a madman because he tricked America into voting for a Muslim Socialist. It blows my mind. People, stop reading stupid articles written by Extreme Conservatives. Stop taking everything Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert, and SNL has to say as pure fact. I'm a democrat, and if I go by the "democrat outline" I should have assumed that McCain is/was a War Monger who only wanted to raise taxes on the little guy and make profit for big business and continue this war until we own the Middle East. But, I don't listen to every article written by an Extreme Democrat. I listen to what THEY say (they being the actual people in question) and form my own decision.

"Obama wants to spread the wealth" is such a rediculous claim. Yes, he wants to raise taxes on 5% of America a full 3%. Oh good fucking Lord, that's so terrible. Of course, ya know, the idea of 95% cutting a TAX CUT is overlooked. This country is in the fucking shitter, and he's trying to CHANGE it. And hey, I know McCain has plans of his own. Before this election process started, I always said "If McCain runs again, I'll vote for him," Well, he lost my vote in the past 6 or 7 months. He was trying to be something he wasn't. He made, quite possibly, the worst VP choice in the history of the country. I gave him a fair shot. (And I know I'm going to piss some people off with this next thing) Republicans hardly EVER give any non-Republican any of their time. Obama could've been running against a bag a cat shit, and Republicans would still vote for the bag of catshit. People need to stop viewing this country as a Republican or Nothing country. It amuses me that these people throw out terms like Socialist and Communist. All over the country, and first hand here in North Carolina and Virginia, tons and tons of Obama signs were taken from people's yards, only to be returned with Swasticas painted on them. And I'm not saying that no McCain signs were taken, but the difference between the two was substancial. People like that, these Republicans or Death people, scare me. What's next, America? If I decide to vote for another Democrat, and if I fucking CHOSE (ya know, that whole theory this fucking country you love so much is based from) to put a sign in my yard, what do I get next time? Are you going to light my yard on fire? Wait for me to leave the house and then attack me?

And sure, maybe I'm being a little sensative here, and I'm not talking about anyone I know personally (at least, I fucking hope none of my friends took any signs out from people's yards), but behavior like that makes me fucking sick. Because I feel like it's one step away from "Man, the country would be so much better if I bombed the next Democratic (or any non-Republican) rally."

In closing, to those Democrats who won, we can celebrate together. Maybe a Time of Change is really coming. Maybe it is the Dawn of a New Era. To the Republicans who lost, I'm sorry. But this isn't the fucking time to bitch and moan about it. I understand that you're bummed out, I would be too. But stop thinking Obama is going to run this country into a shithole. He's NOT a socialist, he's NOT a communist, and he's GOING to listen to every side of every story, and he's GOING to try to make this country the way it should be, the way it used to be. And to those Republicans who listened to Obama's speech last night, and who think "Maybe he can help bring in change" and who have hope for this country...Tell this to your fellow Republicans. We need more of you. This country needs to stop being so fucking divided. We need to work together to make this a better place.

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