Monday, September 29, 2008

This Raleigh Life Con't...

Well, I finished Star Wars: The Force Unleashed in like 4 days. I knew I wasn't going to play it again any time soon, so I traded it in for Lego Batman. Don't get me wrong, Star Wars was really awesome, but seriously, LucasArts? 6 hours? Seriously? $10 an hour? Really? Seriously?

I'm all ready enjoying Lego Batman just as much, but for entirely different reasons.

Shaina and Mandy were here this weekend. I seriously needed their company. Not because I was sad or lonely, but just because I've never had friends as close to me as they are. We were are 3 pieces of a 3 piece puzzle. The weekend was full of laughter and good times. I'm sad they're gone, but hey, I'll see them again in roughly 2 or 3 weeks, and then in another month, they'll be living here. It's going to be awesome.

Speaking of moving, it's looking like I'll be moving at the end of my lease. But before you say "I told you so," I'm moving to Durham. Supposedly there's a complex about 5 minutes from Southpoint, and less money than I'm spending now. So as much as I like my mini-house, it's much smarter to go there and save money in both rent AND gas. Plus it'll be closer to Shaina, Mandy, and Beth. So that's something to look forward to. Not really looking forward to the actual act of moving, but whatev. Maybe in the new apartment I'll be able to have my computer and my TV on the same wall. I do miss that about my old place. Having to turn around to watch TV and then back to use the computer kind of sucks.

Work has gotten pretty decent. I don't know what I'm doing differently, but I'm killing it in member cards. My average is around 7 a day. I had 13 two Saturdays ago, and I had 12 this Thursday. Most of the people I work with are pretty cool, and I do share some hobbies with a few co-workers. Not like before, but again, whatev. It's looking like Mandy is going to be working at my store, so we'll be co-workers again. That is something to get really excited about.

I've started talking to a girl named Desiree. Recently, I updated my profile on a website that is not unlike or something. And before you think I'm going all emo and whatnot, I stated on my profile that I wasn't solely looking for dating, and it's more of a "Hey, if you want, talk to me because I'm new in Raleigh," Anyway, Desiree seems pretty cool and we've graduated to AIM chat. That's all there really is to say about that. She does seem really cool, though.

I guess that's all for now. Hm, I think I end every single blog entry with that. Anyway, take it easy, peeps.

Friday, September 19, 2008

A long and awesome day.

Man, today was an awesome, busy day.

I work up around 8:30 from hearing the trashmen collecting garbage. I decided, that since I had a lot to do today, I'd go ahead and get up for the day instead of going back to sleep.

I showered and then called Beth. She was up for hanging up, so I got dressed, and headed out the door. I put the 2 huge jugs of change my parents gave me into my trunk, and got to Beth's around 11 or so. Our first stop was to Harris Teeter to go to coinstar. We were going to use her change counter and do it ourselves, but I just figured that would take way too long, so I decided it was worth the 9% the coinstar charges.

After what felt like forever, we finally got all of the change into the machine. The total was a little over...$500! Seriously, I was shocked. We cashed out, were told that it was the biggest coinstar thing they'd ever seen, and left.

I bought us some victory coffee from the Starbucks across the street, where Beth let me know that the Starbucks girl was "all up in my shiz" checking me out and being flirty. I, being a guy, was completely oblivious to this. Sure, she's in there every time we've gone in, and she's always very talkative and cute, but I figured it was just good customer service. Beth assures me it's more than that, because she's like that every time we go in.

After Starbucks, we went to Capitol Comics where I bought this week's comics, along with the final volume of Loveless. I would normally wait until our store got it, but I figured I just had a ton of money, and I'd been dying to finish this amazing western. I plan on reading it tomorrow morning.

After comics, we went back to Beth's to switch cars. I wasn't going to make her drive all the way out to Durham to get my paycheck. While at the store, Chris (the other head cashier) told me he could switch shifts with me on Thursday, which is great, because it means I'll have all of Thursday to see Mandy and Shaina when they come visit. I can't wait for that at all.

After The Noble, we went to Gamestop. I said if the change added up to $300 I was going to pick up the new Star Wars game. Since we were way over my predicted amount, I didn't feel bad about buying it. It's the last time I'll shop in that Gamestop ever again. Fucking terrible customer service. They made us wait for about 15 minutes while they did someone's trade-in. There were 2 employees up there, I was clearly in line, and making it very clear I all ready had the game I wanted to buy in hand. Stupid game clerks. I'll just make sure I go to the Gamestop on Capital BLVD from now on.

We got some pizza, and left the mall. We crossed the street and went to Old Navy, because Beth wanted to get a new, discounted bathing suit. Of course they were in the middle of a sale where if you brought someone in, you got 20% off everything you got. And of course they had an awesome jacket and an awesome mock-hoodie. I bought them both. With the 20% discount, and all of my jackets at home being way to big after I lost the weight I lost, I feel ok with buying what I bought. Plus they're awesome.

After Old Navy, we went to Best Buy so Beth could buy a mouse and I could buy ethernet cable so I can play X-Box online again.

After we went to Ed McKay's Used Books where I bought American Gods (because Kendra recommended it so highly), Manhunt (hardcover for $6) and the 3 Gatchaman OAVs on VHS for a total of $6. (Hence the image I used with this entry)

After Ed McKay's we went to BB&T where I could pay off my stupid over-draft fee (the original reason for the trip to Coinstar). I won't say how much it was, but let's just say an unknown charge from Rhapsody (which is now cancelled because of it) and like 5 coffees (which adds up to about 1/2 of what I thought I had) really cost me a lot of money. But, it was taken care of. I still have an entire paycheck from The Noble going through on Monday, and my final check from working 2 weeks/nights at City Hall. So everything money-wise is fine. If it hadn't been for coinstar, I'd be royally fucked right now, but I think this time I learned my lesson. Don't subscribe to automatic charging things (Rhapsody). Knowing that if I didn't have those jugs of change, I'd be totally fucked, well...It scared the piss out of me. Won't fuck that up again. It's nice everything got paid off, but that still could've been money I could have in my pocket right now.

Oh well, alls well that ends well. I know I spent way too much money on myself today, but aside from the video game, the $30 in comics, and the $15 or so at Ed McKay's, everything was kind of essential. I needed the clothes really badly.

I think that the Starbucks girl checking me out is funny. Beth said she constantly seeing girls checking me out. According to Shaina, she sees it as well. What the Hell? Am I really that oblivious?! I guess I am. I never see any of it. It's kind of awesome. I should really learn to read signals better, I guess. Even though, at this moment, I don't really feel like being in a relationship. I mean, I do, but I don't. There are certain stipulations that would make me want to be in a relationship, but none of them (or well, the one) aren't going to happen any time soon. I guess I'm ok with that. I'm really enjoying Raleigh now, so for now, that's enough.

And just to clarify, this stipulation I mentioned before has ZERO to do with anyone I've previously dated. In fact, my life in general has ZERO to do with anyone I've previously dated. That's the way I like it, and that's the way I want to keep it. I'm not mad at anyone, I'm not disappointed in anyone, I'm not anything at anyone. I'm nothing towards all of my exes, and I'm sure anyone who knows me knows exactly what I'm talking about.

I haven't been this happy in a really long time.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

I'm very excited that It's Always Sunny starts season 4 tomorrow with 2 brand new episodes. I finished season 3 today. The finale was hilarious.

"You're about to see the white hot cream of a 8th grade boy"

So this Raleigh life has gotten to the point of a semi-routine, which is fine with me. I'm used to my new store, which took a bit longer than I thought it would. I still miss the Greenbrier store a ton, but South Point is really cool. The location is tops, I must admit. It's in the center of this mini-town of stores. There's a fountain right outside of the front door, and there are tables from the cafe on the side of the building. Today it was almost Autumn weather, and I sat at one of the tables and had a cigarette and felt almost home. The setting is a really nice change. Much nicer than that damn uncomfortable bench in Greenbrier. I still really miss the close friendships and in-jokes. I quoted Throw Mama From The Train today, and the quote went over someone's head. I know, at Greenbrier, it wouldn't.

It's weird learning the roads out here, too. The other day I had to stop for cigarettes, and I realized that it would've been hard to make a left out of the parking lot, so I took a right, and got home without a hitch. Little things like that make me love Raleigh.

I really do love Raleigh. I like the way it's laid out, I like the weather, I love my house. It's so nice to come home, not have to worry about climbing those old god awful stairs, and it's nice to sit on my couch and watch a bit of TV. I don't have to worry about anything or anyone. It's nice learning to call it home. It also feels weird to refer to Chesapeake as "back up North". Ha, it makes me feel worldy. That's lame, I know.

Mandy and Shaina are visiting me in a week from tomorrow. I can't fucking wait. I need my girls. Kendra was supposed to come with them, but they decided to leave a day earlier, and Kendra can't get out of work, or something. This is the pure definition of bitter-sweet, because I'm stoked to see Mandy and Shaina for an extra day, but I also really wanted to see Kendra. Hopefully when I go down in a month or so, I'll be able to spend some time with her, along with everyone else.

Yesterday I talked to Mandy for hours online, and it got me thinking about anime conventions, and how badly I want to go to one. I didn't have the best time at HeroesCon, and the memories are a little...ruined because of certain aspects. While I loved hanging out with Josh, Kyle, Raph, Jose, and all those kids, I think I enjoy anime conventions a bit more, if only for the company. I really need to get into some more anime. I just wish I wasn't so picky. And, of course, when I do find a series to get into, it's impossible to find anything at the cons that has anything to do with them.

But I digress. Just thinking of anime cons this Spring/Summer, and road-tripping with Mandy, Shaina, Kendra, and who ever else just gets my heart pumping. Road-trips, hotel rooms, costumes, showings, all of that stuff. I'm really not even into anime all that much, but I'm CRAVING it, honestly. KatsuCon is going to be a blast.

Speaking of anime, a new Casshern is coming out, and I'm very excited.

I guess that's all for now.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Today has been a good day

Today I woke up late, got ready, watched a little TV, and then went to do laundry.

Doing laundry mat is interesting. It was nice to use more than one machine, but it is still incredibly boring. While the clothes washed, I sat on a bench outside and smoked while I read Clown Girl. I went inside, climbed up on a dryer, and continued to read. Finally, after drying (which seemed to take forever) I came home. I watched Family Guy on my DVR and folded my clothes.

I fixed myself corndogs for dinner and I had a granola bar for dessert. Now I'm taking a quick computer break, waiting for the Eagles/Cowboys game to start.

Not too much to say. To everyone at home, I'm thinking of you all the time. I miss you all a whole bunch.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

(This song literally just gave me goosebumps)

I miss Disney animated films. Sure, the Pixar stuff is fine, but give me stuff like this any day.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

I think I might have a new celebrity crush. Wickie-Wickie-Wickie-Wha?!

Friday, September 12, 2008

First blog from Raleigh

Well, I've been in Raleigh for 13 days now. I've just gotten my internet and cable TV. Needless to say, it's been pretty god damn boring.

If it weren't for Beth, I don't think I would've made it. She and Josh are literally my only friends in this entire state.

I've run my errands, have MOST of the apartment unpacked (still waiting on a few things to be fixed), and know my way around to the essential places.

My new Barnes & Noble is about a 30 minute drive, which is twice the amount of time. It's not terrible, but it's also not great by any means. I'm still not sure how I feel about the store. I know I'm the new guy, but there aren't many very friendly people there. Not that they're mean, but it's like...Come say hi to me. I'm the new guy, so shouldn't it be their thing to come and introduce themselves? Every day is a little better than the previous, so I'm not giving up hope just yet. There are a few really cool people, and yesterday when I was leaving, one of the booksellers did go out of her way to introduce herself to me. So that was kind of nice. They also do all of their money and record keeping completely different (and if you ask me, ass-backwards) but I'm getting a hold of it. It's a process, re-learning everything you've known for the past 4 and some change years.

I love my house, for the most part. Sure, it's small, but it's just me, so it's not that big of a deal. I do have the occasional wood roach infestation, though, which SUCKS. Fuckers better come out soon and spray.

I really wish there was more to talk about. But sadly, I've literally done NOTHING for the past 2 weeks. I've read a whole lot, watched a ton of DVDs, played a ton of computer solitaire, and that's about it.

Oh, I did go see Pineapple Express with Beth and Josh. It was pretty funny, but I still don't think it was as good as Tropic Thunder.

Uh...I guess that's all for now. Hopefully I'll have something fun to update with soon enough.