Well, I finished Star Wars: The Force Unleashed in like 4 days. I knew I wasn't going to play it again any time soon, so I traded it in for Lego Batman. Don't get me wrong, Star Wars was really awesome, but seriously, LucasArts? 6 hours? Seriously? $10 an hour? Really? Seriously?
I'm all ready enjoying Lego Batman just as much, but for entirely different reasons.
Shaina and Mandy were here this weekend. I seriously needed their company. Not because I was sad or lonely, but just because I've never had friends as close to me as they are. We were are 3 pieces of a 3 piece puzzle. The weekend was full of laughter and good times. I'm sad they're gone, but hey, I'll see them again in roughly 2 or 3 weeks, and then in another month, they'll be living here. It's going to be awesome.
Speaking of moving, it's looking like I'll be moving at the end of my lease. But before you say "I told you so," I'm moving to Durham. Supposedly there's a complex about 5 minutes from Southpoint, and less money than I'm spending now. So as much as I like my mini-house, it's much smarter to go there and save money in both rent AND gas. Plus it'll be closer to Shaina, Mandy, and Beth. So that's something to look forward to. Not really looking forward to the actual act of moving, but whatev. Maybe in the new apartment I'll be able to have my computer and my TV on the same wall. I do miss that about my old place. Having to turn around to watch TV and then back to use the computer kind of sucks.
Work has gotten pretty decent. I don't know what I'm doing differently, but I'm killing it in member cards. My average is around 7 a day. I had 13 two Saturdays ago, and I had 12 this Thursday. Most of the people I work with are pretty cool, and I do share some hobbies with a few co-workers. Not like before, but again, whatev. It's looking like Mandy is going to be working at my store, so we'll be co-workers again. That is something to get really excited about.
I've started talking to a girl named Desiree. Recently, I updated my profile on a website that is not unlike match.com or something. And before you think I'm going all emo and whatnot, I stated on my profile that I wasn't solely looking for dating, and it's more of a "Hey, if you want, talk to me because I'm new in Raleigh," Anyway, Desiree seems pretty cool and we've graduated to AIM chat. That's all there really is to say about that. She does seem really cool, though.
I guess that's all for now. Hm, I think I end every single blog entry with that. Anyway, take it easy, peeps.
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